Margo Okazawa-Rey
Margo Okazawa-Rey (born1949), is a professor emerita, educator, writer, and social justice activist. She is a founding member of the Combahee River Collective. In 1973, Okazawa-Rey received a B.A. from Capital University Department of Sociology, followed by a M.S.S, in 1974, from Boston University School of Social Work. In 1987, she received her Ed.D. from Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Between 1974 and 2024 she has held various affiliations including as a social worker and co-founder for CARE (Campaign for Anti-Racist Education) (1974-1982), in Manchester, University of Maryland, and San Francisco State University (1979-2003). Her research and activism includes explorations of the interconnections between militarism and globalization of the economy, armed conflict, violence against women examined intersectionally, and advocacy for the security of women worldwide. Her influential works include: Gendered lives: Intersectional perspectives (7th edition) (2019), co-authored with Gwyn Kirk; Activist scholarship: Antiracism, feminism, and social change (2009) co-authored with Julia Sudbury.