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Anne Fausto Sterling


Anne Fausto Sterling is the Nancy Duke Lewis Professor Emerita of Biology and Gender Studies at Brown University. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in zoology from the University of Wisconsin in 1965 and her Ph.D. in developmental genetics from Brown University in 1970. Between 1970 and 2024 she has held various institutional affiliations including Harvard University (1997-1998) and Brown University (with the exception of visiting appointments, from 1970-2024). Her areas of inquiry include Dynamic Systems Theory, Gender & Sexuality, Science and Technology Studies and Gender, Race & Science. Among her influential works are Race, Gender and Science (1991), Myths of Gender: Biological Theories about Women and Men (1992), Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality (2000) 

The minute you strip away context, you have lost your ability to understand what is going on
~ Anne Fausto Sterling

Interview snippets 

00:00 / 02:16

On analysing gender dysphoria

00:00 / 01:55

On race and gender research in biology

00:00 / 01:39

Early research on gender in science

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